Asalamu Alaikum. Al-Hamdullilah your donations are getting delivered! Right now, we’re on the ground delivering your donations to the most needy.
Your generous donations have been enabling us to provide critical food packages to the most needy and vulnerable this Ramadan. We are accepting Zakat, Sadaqah, Fidya, Kaffarah, Fitrana.
100% Donation Policy. Please Donate! Bring a smile to the face of an orphan child, widows and help those in need!
Asalamu Alaikum. In this great blessed Month, we should make sincere prayers and look to help the most needy around the world. Our good deeds are multiplied in the Month of Ramadan. Al-Hamdullilah your donations are getting delivered! Right now, we’re on the ground delivering your donations to the most needy. Your generous donations have been enabling us to provide critical food packages to the most needy and vulnerable this Ramadan.
We are accepting Zakat, Sadaqah, Fidya, Kaffarah, Fitrana.
Please Donate! Bring a Smile to the face of an orphan child , Widows and help those in need!
Community Lighthouse Foundation seeks to sustain and build on essential projects.
All projects are voluntarily run and contributions are wholly used to further the aforementioned projects. CLF seeks to grow organically and develop its activities to build, strengthen and enhance the valuable service it provides to all the community.
Community Lighthouse Foundation is a registered charity that works in the UK and abroad helping those in need. CLF operates on a completely voluntary basis serving three distinct areas of engagement
© Copyright CLF Charity 2025. Registered Charity Number: 1174466