Commemorating Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A). We are distributing food daigs throughout the year to the most needy.
CLF Charity distributing Gyarvi Shareef Langar in Lahore Pakistan. Dedicated to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Radiya ‘llahu’ anh . (May Allah swt be pleased with him’). We are be distributing food throughout the month of Rabi al-Thani
Help us distribute food
Anyone wishing to participate can donate. See details below.
Deadly attacks have claimed the lives of at least 30,000 Palestinians including 12,300 children and 8,300 women) over 70,000 people have been injured and the Palestinian ministry of health reported 75...
Community Lighthouse Foundation seeks to sustain and build on essential projects.
All projects are voluntarily run and contributions are wholly used to further the aforementioned projects. CLF seeks to grow organically and develop its activities to build, strengthenand enhancethe valuable service it provides to all the community.